Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 95

Saturday November 20, 2010

I woke up at 5am with Nina's arms wrapped around my neck. It felt amazing!!!! Life is a psychotic roller-coaster ride; one second I am flying up and the next dropping so fast I think I'm going to vomit! Today was an up day. I needed an up day given how rocky Friday had been.

To start, I had decided that we should make apple crisps for our friends who have loving us and taking such good care of us. I wish I could bake these for everyone who has prayed for us and who has supported us in any capacity!! So..the kids and I spent the morning cutting up apples and mixing apple crumb topping. It was so much fun! Nina loves to cook and she especially loves to cut! It makes her feel like such a big girl! Teddy is meticulous! So much fun to watch them in action.

Apple crisps (Barefoot Contessa recipe by the way!) are one of the few desserts I can bake. One would think that with parents as bakers that I would be the most awesomest baker but I'm not. In fact, quite the contrary. I am a lousy baker because I consistently forget to set the timer. I'm a much better cook than baker!! Irrespective, I've got apple crisps and peanut butter cookies down to a fine art so I stick to them all the time.

We peeled and cut up apples all day, enough to make 6 crisps. Todd went and delivered one to the Rutherfords. I went and delivered some to our neighbors and couple of friends. Around 1ish, Nina and I joined Crystal and Sharon at the Color Room, a local fabulous (amazing!) hair salon where we all get our hair done. These amazing people held a fundraiser for us last Sunday where they volunteered their time and donated all the proceeds to Nina's fund!! Amazing how people are constantly blessing us, from prayers to fundraisers like this....each and every loving act is a bit of grace poured over us! Nina and I baked a huge apple crisp for the entire team and delivered it! It was just our little way of saying thank you!

Around 2pm, I took Teddy to a birthday party. Teddy's anxiety about the party was through the roof but I insisted he was going. He was good friends with this peer but the prospect of a big group freaked him out. We walked through what he needed to do and then I dropped him off. He did great!! I was so proud!! When I picked him up, I asked him if he was proud of himself for being so brave. He smugly said, "Not a big deal mom!" Ha!!!

We joined the Becchios for dinner and I also brought them an apple crisp. It was great to go over to our friend's home. Todd and the kids actually had to go ahead of me because I had two apple crisps left in the oven. Once they were ready, I delivered one to an eager crowd and then joined the rest of the gang at the Becchios. The kids were happy to see their friends and the boys played with Photobooth on Teddy's computer! After dinner, I showed John and Susan the photos from Halloween. They died laughing at the photos of Todd and Joe in their fairies costume. Todd just laughed and drank his beer with John. He said, "I'll do anything for that girl!" I know he would! I would too! I think we all would!!!

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